Shaklee Introduces Sports Nutrition

Introducing Shaklee Sports Nutrition™

Powering athletes. Fueling dreams. From start to finish.

Shaklee Sports Nutrition products can help you perform, and we have the tests to prove it!
Shaklee has been clinically testing the products for decades to give you the best science has to offer. Sustained energy. Long-lasting hydration. More complete recovery. The results speak for themselves.
Let's face’s a competitive world and to maximize your performance, you’ve got to maximize your nutrition. Don’t trust your body to empty promises, marketing hype, questionable science, or artificial ingredients.
Just ask...Jennifer Rodriguez, Speed Skater Two-time bronze medal winner.
Darin Shapiro, Wakeboarder Winningest rider in wakeboarding history, six Pro Tour Championships.
Laurie Brandt, Mountain Biker First place in the 2009 Leadville Silver Rush 50-mile mountain bike race.
Shaklee Sports Nutrition products have helped Americans rule the podium—winning more than 100 gold, silver, and bronze medals! That’s more than most countries! Shaklee has gone to the ends of the earth to prove Shaklee Sports Nutrition is the best. From the North Pole to the South Pole and all points in between.
In fact, seven of Time-Life’s Greatest Adventures of All Time were fueled by Shaklee.
“To be the best you have to give it everything you’ve got.
You have to want it. Want to hurt. Want to be the strongest.
I use Shaklee products exclusively as part of my daily routine.”
Billy DemongTwo-time world champion andthe only American ever to win gold in a Nordic skiing event.
Shaklee Energy™ Chews Beforeprovides a clean burst of healthy energy to help you get that extra edge when you need it most. Each chew contains a scientific blend of caffeine from natural green tea extract,plus L-tyrosine, L-theanine, B vitamins, and vitamin D, to help:
+ Sustain energy*
+ Improve performance*
+ Stay alert*
+ Sharpen focus*
+ Improve mood*

Shaklee Performance® DuringSustains Energy! More energy! More endurance! The longer and tougher your workout, the better Performance gets.
1. Wong LG, Jensen CD, Whittam JH. The effects of sodium carbohydrate (Na:Carb) ratios in
rehydration beverages (RB) on plasma glucose (PG), osmolality (PO), volume (PV), and subject
tolerance (ST). FASEB J 1990;4:A381 (abstr).
After 30 minutes: Blood-glucose levels 30% higher than water.
After 2 hours: Blood-glucose levels 37% higher than water

Shaklee Physique® AfterImproves Recovery! Recover faster! Recover more completely! Physique restores energy to your muscles when taken immediately after working out and again two hours later.
1. Zawadzki KM, Yaspelkis III B, Ivy JL. Carbohydrate-protein complex increases the rate
of muscle glycogen storage after exercise. J Appl Physiol 1992;72:1854-9.
Physique delivers a greater muscle glycogen response following
exercise than either protein or carbohydrate alone. Muscle glycogen
is the body’s most critical (and limited) muscle energy source.
Powering athletes. Fueling dreams. From start to finish.

Special Promotion for Shaklee Sports Nutrition. Get a FREE Sports Nutrition Pack ($75 Retail Value) when you join Shaklee with a $70 order or with a Gold Pack.
Barefoot in the Garden-Cindy McAsey Cindy McAsey | Phone:888.272.6701Buy Shaklee Products Online
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